Creative 8 - 250g

$79.00 to Free delivery

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CREATIVE 8 - 250G ~ Arabica Robusta Mix (Natural Sweetness Acidity)

  • $22.90
  • $20.91

10 or more $18.90

  • The true essence of traditional Vietnamese drip coffee is brilliantly captured in every pack of creative 8

    • Trung Nguyen is the pround producer of the finest coffee in the world, including blends of up to four varieties ( Robusta , Arabica, Chari, and Catimor) as well as single variety coffees such as Culi(Peaberry) Arabica.

      • There is definitely a Trung Nguyen coffee to suit every taste!

      Trung Nguyen was inspired in the preparation and processing of this recipe by nature – grain processing goes through a similar process to natural civet coffee. Experts say it’s “sweet as syrup, soft and thick as chocolate, with a hint of tobacco taste, but rich and comfortable till the end.”



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